From the Blog

Building Intuitive Power
By Dr. Simone Ressner We are entering a profound time in history when it is not only encouraged to step into your intuitive power but life will have its way with you until you do. Building intuition is a way to redirect the vibration of survival into the energy of thriving. With intuition, we can […]

Single Parents Beware!
Your legacy may be your child’s mental, emotional and economic demise. Your boys will grow up to be under achievers, poor contributors to the workforce, and unsuccessful in relationships. Your girls will be highly educated, independent, financial more secure than men and very likely also single mothers. OUCH! Can this be true? (Read more…)

Vegetable Phallicies
Grilled Braised Leeks and Maui Onions with Baked Yams Salvador Dali portrayed it best with his numerous paintings of food and his insistence that our epicurean pleasures are a very close second to sex. So much of what comes out of the garden closely resembles delicious parts of our bodies. It follows that a […]

5 Date Night Ideas For Couples Who Love To Cook
Looking for the most delicious and stimulating date night ideas. Start in the kitchen. Why the kitchen? Because the next closest thing to a full body orgasm is seeing, smelling and eating something that ignites our taste buds, exceeds our imagination, and plays with our senses so that your body and mind delights in gastronomic […]

What If She Can’t Tell The Parents?
Dating someone can be hard. Finding out that she hasn’t told her parents can be even harder. You’ve been dating for half a year and at least half that time sleeping, eating, shopping and entertaining together. Life is good. So good you’re wondering why you still have separate homes. You have your moments and always work […]

“Testing” His Love: Good Idea or Best Way to Doom Your Relationship?
According to a poll conducted by, 3 out of 5 women “test” their significant others to see if the relationship will last. As the co-owner of a company with one of the few scientifically proven compatibility test (see, I felt it important to set the record straight when it comes to predicting the […]

What Sexual Type Are You?
When it come to sexual compatibility there are two very specific energetic sexual types. If you’re not the same as your partner, making sure you know how to satisfy them and yourself is a must. The two types are Mental/Emotional and Physical. Every person is either one or the other. The Mental/Emotional needs to be […]

Are you dating an “Older” man?
Today I was taken aback for a moment by a comment from a guy that doesn’t know me to a lady I am close friends with. He said to her, “I heard you were hanging out with an old man.” I had a momentary “ouch.” I consider myself “older” but in no way old. In […]